Microsoft Accessibility Study Seeks Participants

Have you ever wanted to talk to someone who creates the technology you use? Now’s your chance! Microsoft User Research is committed to making every product more accessible, but we need your help! We are currently seeking visually impaired and blind community members to participate in our exclusive consumer research panel. By participating as a panelist you will have an unprecedented impact on the future of Microsoft products.

Panelist will be eligible to participate in studies over the span of three months starting December 10th through February 19th.

To participate, email with “access” in the subject line. Include the information below.

1. Name/Phone
2. Job Title/Company (if not working, that’s ok):
3. Age:
4. Smartphone make and model:
5. Do you own a tablet? If yes, what is the make and model:
6. What operating system are you currently using?(Windows 8, Windows 7, OSX, etc.)
7. What is your highest level of education?
8. Are you currently using Microsoft Office? If yes, what version?
9. How many hours per week do you spend reading?
10. Do you use any accessibility software? (JAWS, MAGic, etc.) If yes, which?
11. Please describe your visual impairment:

We’ll give you a call if you look like a match for this study. If you are selected to participate, you’ll get a $100 gift card for every study session you participate in.

Thanks for your time,

Microsoft User Research

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