Tactile Art Group to Visit “Please Touch” Exhibit

The February 19th, Tactile Art Group is going to Edmonds Community College for the Please Touch Exhibit and lunch afterwards at Claire’s Pantry in Edmonds. Jim Ballard who works with the Tactile Arts Group has curated this show which highlights the beauty of Touchable Art with Braille Description. Tactile Art Group Members, Ann Fagan, Ezzie Hernandez, Stacy Thurston and Becky Bell have created work in the show.

The Tour and Transportation to Edmonds is free with pick up locations at Benaroya Hall Lobby at 3rd & Union St. and Seattle Artist and Craftsman Supply, 4350 8th Ave. NE Seattle WA 98105.

Date: Thursday, February 19, 2015

Time: 9:45 AM Pickup at Benaroya Hall Lobby near the Starbucks in Downtown Seattle.
10:00 AM Pick Up at Seattle Artist and Craftsman Supply in the U-District.

To reserve a spot on the Tour E-Mail or call (206) 282-3913.

To schedule an Access Ride we suggest the Seattle Artist & Craftsman Supply location
with a drop off window 9:30AM – 10:00AM.

If you are returning home with Access we would suggest: a 3:00PM – 3:30PM pick up window at Seattle Artist & Craftsman Supply.

Claire’s Pantry is a moderately priced restaurant in Downtown Edmonds known for serving Good Comfort Food, Turkey Pot Pie, Great Burgers and their own roasted Gobbler Turkey Sandwiches. Claire’s is located at 301 Main St. Edmonds WA 98020.

The Please Touch Exhibit is located at the Art Gallery in the Edmonds Community College Library Building, 20000 68th Ave. West Lynnwood, WA 98036.

Here is a short description of the Exhibit.

Tony Brown
Vision Loss Connections
(206) 282-3913

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